
Worldworksgames review
Worldworksgames review

worldworksgames review

With some items such as the Folding Unit Structure (FUS) seen in his last battle report as a possible base for Vampi and gang, is/was an Ebbles Miniatures model and is currently unavailable, though hopefully it will be coming back in the near future as a WWG product. Timmy- Bryan is a master builder of cardstock terrain, as you might tell from some of his builds, it is hard to imagine from looking at them that they are just "paper." And as Bryan has mentioned most the stuff you might see here is from the World Works Games Urban Mayhem line, with some of the newer stuff such as the one dumpster/skiff being from their newer Mayhem TLX line. Zerloon- As Bryan said use any "ful" word you want, excluding Awful and similar "ful" words. They were kindly provided to all city residents by both the city and the waste disposal company. I believe they are approx a 90 gallon (about 340.687 liters) capacity.

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  • My suggestion would be to use one of the other hooks to avoid this potential disappointment. This is something that needs careful consideration before your players reach this point.

    worldworksgames review

    This is tricky, because if the hook you used to draw the PCs to the adventure was to disrupt the cult, this fiat will likely make them feel ripped off that they had no control over the outcome. There are some plot fiats that constrain the story at key points - the magical ritual that the PCs arrive to prevent cannot be stopped, so as soon as they enter the ruined Kingspire they will be drawn into the demiplane and become trapped.


    There are powerful magic items that are both boon and bane, such as a magic orb allowed you to reset a daily power at the loss of heroic surges (possibly permanently), or a magical artifact that is liable to consume your PC in the long run. If the zombies are successful at getting several hands on the raft, they overturn it, sending the heroes into the swamp with the intent of drowning them. There are some potentially devastating encounters, such as when the PCs try to cross the swamp only to be attacked by swamp zombies. This area will require careful roleplaying to avoid the pitfalls of a decadent Eladrin court while struggling for a means to escape the demiplane. In this section there are a number of time sensitive encounters that activate if the characters are in the right place at the right time. At the end of this section the PCs will have infiltrated the hamlet near the Kingspire, fought voracious undead, and interrupted a magical ritual that sweeps them into a prison demiplane of the Kingspire’s last night.Įxperience as a gamemaster is definitely needed in the second section of the adventure, as the players become caught within a time loop, reliving the final thirteen hours of the Kingspire’s final night.

    worldworksgames review

    Even though all opponents have been provided with combat statistics, there is no assumption that all encounters will degrade into combat, and several are more difficult if the heroes resort to violence first.

    worldworksgames review

    This area is designed for infiltration, with the PCs having opportunities to negotiate, bluff or sneak their way past opponents to reach the cult leader at the height of a ritual to reunite the Eladrin court with the material plane. The start of the adventure involves the PCs becoming aware of the threat of the cult inhabiting the spire.

    Worldworksgames review