Midle signal 589, QSB from 599 to 559 but cpy abt 1h. 1122 10 449 JN75DI 1336 Rather weak.and heavy qsb.Bndwth 500 Hz, no preamp, Bandnoise S2/3, Rig Knwd TS590S, Ant Inverted G5RV up 8 meters, close to sea. Receiver ICF-7600GR and whip antenna in 1 m asl. Qth nr Antenal, W-coast of Istria, Croatia 1339ĩA/OK2PXJ 1 Vaclav 1148 10 559 JN75ID 1362 Greetings from Adriatic beach at Selce, Croatia.
18 mtrs asl at a small island in the Baltic Sea 387ĩA/OE1WSA 1 Walter 12:30 10 529 JN65TH 1339 KX3 + dipole spanned N-S for reception W-E im using a doublet for 7 mhz just 5 magl:-) 251ĨS0DX 1 Leif 21.06 3.5 589 JO99GD 387 RX-ant = Inv.vee. Will send a report from my next /P operation with 50 m kiteantenna.:) 251ĥP1CC 1 Claus 21-01-2018 15.45 1.9 569 JO55PH 246 excellent copy here in OZ.ĥP1CC 1 claus christiansen 04 12 07 ø715 3.5 559 JO55PG 251 very fine sigs for 0.5w. Also heard di2am.Ĭondx on vhf/uhf where extreme this night, heard some sweedish stations talking abt the beacon, but couldnt get trough to them. 90 degree at centre FT2000 no filtering required. Rig FT897/AT-897 and Ant is 35ft long wire at max 3m above ground 1028ĢEOTBV 1 Andy 11:29 10 559 IO93GM 996 Rig Yaesu MP1000 Antenna cushcraft MA5B 996ĢM0EWY 1 Alan 07/08/20 08:46 10 569 IO86JG 983 QTH Fife some QSB perfectly readable Antenna Inverted V dipole 5M high each leg 45 degree spread. Lots of QRN but signal came through loud and clear.ĢE1RAF Z 10 579 IO84PG 1028 Good clear copy at QTH Kendal in Cumbria North West England
#Icom ic 756 pro ii and g5rv antenna plus
Slight QSB but readable 1082ĢE0WSN 1 David Clempson 7 August 2019 18:32 10 599 IO94JP 923 Using Trio 949S with a Pro Beam Plus attenna oriented west to east.
My email 1 Thomas 10:28 10 559 JO02AF 997 Peaking at 559, mostly 549, but very readable and clear on my K3. Verticale antenna& 5/8 wave MANTOVA TURBO 7 meters from Groundġ900 NA SWL 1 Gabriele 18:42 10 599 JN70IS 1847 Rx Elad Fdm1 1 Jarmo Heittokangas 1908 0.5 579 KP10OK 684 Hi, very strong signal.